For those of you who like a good meal this is not the place. The web site gives a favourable impression but look at the last posted comments in the guest book - they are from 2002.
I am very rarely moved to write or comment on somewhere but this is an establishment that has lost its way. Its popular so i could be wrong but to get to basics-
The bill for two too eat £80 [20-3-6] Wine in that £14.
The food is mediocre - i had a plate of beef and foi gras - out of a tin!
The 1/2 a duck was just that - 1/2 a scawny duck on a plate. No vegetables - somewhat limp garnish.
My partner had salmon which we believe had been under the hot plate - it was somewhat welded onto the plate.
Normally we all complain about slow service but here it is far too quick. As soon as you are finished the plates are wipped away and the next course appears.
I can only assume that this was an excellent restaurant that has been sold and purchased by individuals who dont know what they are doing- the Chef certainly needs to be 'given the bullet'.